Evony siege defense reddit

Evony siege defense reddit. as most players trains mounted troop at the beginning for growth purpose to kill bosses. Research in the Academy and gear/refining gear will be the main places. Not totally sure yet. Test 1: Alt keep put T4 siege and one T4 cav (mounted) on a tile. 500m is a nice long term goal. 11K subscribers in the Evony_TKR community. Now, to the point of t1 defense and refines. i currently use flats only on a t11 siege bomb march. Reinforcing Siege PvP v3: I am planning to build defense with Cav t1 meat shield. Siege is out of question till you get K33+. They’re great at defending against archer attacks. Remember the rock, paper scissors of the Evony world. Jun 8, 2021 · However, the main use of specialized siege machine units is siege bombing (clearing enemy siege machines with our large number of siege machines) at keep levels of approximately 35 and above. You’re exchanging speed and strength for a long range. But I know that at least 50M of them could be easily wiped out For siege to be effective in a solo as you get bigger and hitting larger targets you need a large March size, and atleast t14s. There are so many ways to increase buffs and debuffs. If you know for sure it will be an arch hit you Ranged troops are great for defense. WM is a solid choice, the best assistant is generally one that either compliments his strengths (and yours) or makes up for his shortcomings. 15-30% of your second tier ground. Question. My thinking is to build large amounts if high tier siege, a ridiculous amount of T12 range, and 200-500m t1 ground. I have built 500M T1 (goal 1B+) mount with flat refines on my general and dragon. You need a lot of t1 to make it work - 25m is pretty weak against a decent solo attack. September 23, 2023. Rinse repeat this cycle until your happy. Reply. There are two types of siege march presets- small siege (all t11), and big siege (t14, t13 and t12). for what skill books to put on him, it depends on how you’re using him and who you’re using him with. I know, K25 is not supposed to build defense. Hojo Ujiyasu – Mounted HP -35%. Mounted seems to always have the highest kill % in my reports so focus on improving your mounted buffs. Empress Dowager Cixi – Ground Defense -15% / All Types Defense -15%. The t1 has the time to then chew through them. Ranged bonus, attack, and HP on Elektra. As I have 100m t1 calves, I sometimes run William Marshal with siege/range attack % and calv hp/defense as flat numbers (i. I would go 6 or 7 out 8 Mounted HP flats highest number 1 or 2 ground HP %, 6 or 7 out of 8 Ground Defense % 1 or 2 Mounted defense flats, Split attack refines on siege and ground %. Leonidus and Laturo - if you have Range , Ground and Mount based defense. 1. Don't go wasting money on packages, the relic fragment generals are heavy on wall generals. Genghis Khan provides strong attack boost while Joan of Arc offers defense and support abilities, making them a powerful duo for sieges. The best siege general combinations in Evony are Genghis Khan and Joan of Arc. You can't skill the ground troop HP but you can skill the the siege attack. Since I got my first real defence general few days back- Tran Hung Dao, I am deciding to go heavy on the siege defence. I have Zach Taylor and already worked on him a bit. 200k of my mounted T13's kill about 1. The formula for building your ground layered march is: 35-60% of your top tier ground. I don't know about Electra, but my combo is Minamoto + Simeón the Great. East double tap. This kills a bunch of their troops and we loose no troops, yes seige may die but they are only resources. your defence general is in charge of defense. So they don't scout, don't rally. 25-2% of all other ground tiers. That being said, March would or should look more like 1000 of all layers up to t11. If you are still somewhat new to the game, read guides and/or watch YouTube videos. That way if your assistant general dies you still have those books which are the most critical. You typically want to spread the buffs on your defense general across all troop types, with special emphasis on refines for cav defense and hp (ground def and hp refines are ok to keep, but siege and ranged def/hp is worthless) and siege attack (insanely easy to debuff so pushing it higher than others is worthwhile). Any troop attacks that is within their range. Hp also important for attacking. T1~T9 = 20,000 each tier T10 = 100,000 T11&12 = 200,000 each tier. To prove it, try having Shajjar on your wall and have your team reinfroce you with the best troops and gens. I wouldn't sacrifice both my defense and hp refines on cav. Other Stuff: 3%. I know my weakness is to mounted, so when taking hits I've dropped my mounted out of ghost and it does OK, not great but not terrible. I have 200k t1-t11 for all troop types so far, then big troops all round. Maximizing specialties on both wall generals can get you the high attack buffs in this strategy, and use the skill books, dragon and gear refines to even out the attack buffs. If you want to be able to take hits without hiding cavs you need a lot of hp on cavs and def on ground. Basic layering: 70% Tier 1, 20% Tier2, 5% all other tiers, 5% all other troops all levels but layering is an art not science. I keep seeing people argue over using attack vs defense books on defense generals and people saying that Best Defending Siege Generals in Evony. Your attack can be high but they can only do damage for as long as they are alive. Either you're going to die to a rally, lose to a solo attack, or win on defensethe general on the wall, all else equal, is going to alter the exchange in a trivial manner. Because of speed First line is cav, second line is ground, 3rd archers and 4th siege. Having less siege means you're other troops can take out enemy siege. I do coin but only a bit. But I haven't made a good layer for t11s yet. at higher tiers than the attacker. T1 defense works well during SvS for smaller keeps to earn a few svs points. This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. BUT: flats dont get debuffed, percentages do. Dear OP. e. Attacking NPC subordinate cities will result in deaths rather than wounds, but the best way to reduce the death toll to zero is to attack with siege machines only. Budika is more mounted oriented. My question is how should I layer them. As they need food. More important is to debuff the defense. Ground, Mounted. Our server is a full NAP server, even during KE. Leadership and politics are better for him. So based on what you've told us, for an assistant, you could go with Leonidas to boost your ground defense, Boudica to boost your cav, or a ranged or siege general to augment your range and siege (there Flat refines, mounted speed (BTW helps against siege too as the cavalry fights well against machines, but siege rallies is an another topic, rather to avoid ) For ground solo attack is mostly less important. Dewey is focused on siege defense. T11 benefit more from flat refines and have the same range as T12 siege, but cost less to build. Just take wounded on the other march types. "You're only as strong as your weakest link" is an accurate statement when defending. The best skills to add for a Main City defense general are, in this order: Siege Machines Range of attack, Ranged troops Range of attack, Siege Machines attack, Ranged troops attack and Ground troops Health. Siege range and archer range skill books are commonly used and 3rd can be either ground defense or hp. I’ve seen big big players recommend reining with ground or cavs, but from what i’ve seen they don’t do shit to the opponents siege until your T14 and T13 is gone. Considering that t1 siege range is 1400 and t14 ranged range is 500,wouldnt my defense just completely wipe out everything before they even reach my city? 200m t1 is a bit too much. If it's a k35 arch march, you want a ground march with layers and at least t13s and 800% ground atk, def, and HP buffs to reinforce. Next hit cleared the entire T1. Playing mostly defensive (PvP is limited to SvS) having 4 purple and 5 blue Russians. The "All Troops Attack" and "All Troops HP" buffs reduce wounded from monsters. Blue sub Some equal lesser quantity. Just make sure your research and general are solid first. Atk and def base stats are better for him. Siege are good against siege and then archer once the siege are all gone. But only experienced player can tell who is better. You always want your bigs to reinforce you so u can sit with 1 troop in 5 buildings soaking points If the keep you are attacking have both siege ring and range book on wall general then it depends wholly on your buff vs opponent buff and your debuff vs opponent debuff. Improve your defense research and upgrade your wall generals. May 26, 2022 · Evony players can use their siege machines to defend their keeps from other players, or to gather massive quantities of resources. Yes, I use 2 million t13 siege machines and I have 1. As the naming suggests the layers have to 15 :70 :15 or if you have less sieges then 30: : 50 : 20, the higher figure reflecting t14s, t13s or t12s Their troops reinforce with the general they sent and their own buffs and debuffs. 4M in the undead waves while I had been confused about the difference, as well. This can be very effective for attacks and why people use siege bombs. As you build, my personal troop theory is horse wall, T1- T4, ground bulking up, then siege, then archer (archers better attacking pvp oriented than defense due to slow movement speed). My alliance is the biggest and the most active. I still keep 2x Nero on subs. Now based on scout report there is a way to tell if the enemy keeps wall general has siege ring or not (not 100% fool proof). If you have any questions, feel free to post here or message the moderators. If the wall general has both range See below for original test and later in reply to ChocoBo with the additional test. 5-3m troops. K35, acquired t14 on all troop type, academy level 35, done all advance military research. 4. Blog. they attack from behind. If you will do too many flat refines on your wall too early, you will get wiped with 100-150m t1 horses in one good solo It's rare that which general you have on the wall (assuming it's one of the top 5 or so generals) makes any kind of significant difference. Joseph is the best defense general. You need proper refines, good debuffs, at least few sub city gens geared in ACH gear. Planning to get Teach as assistant defense general to have siege buffs. Will this work? or Do I need other assistant general? Yeah it says "main general" or whatever because they didn't change descriptions after adding assistant generals. And everyone will do the same. And also depends on their specialties when maxxed out. Siege bombing is just a siege March to take out your enemy keeps siege. A lot depends on tech, generals, rally size, and if you can fill it, but in the right BliteFather. Buying packs is the only easy way to bring up your buffs. Also I wouldn’t use a siege general that requires a dragon (Ulysses) unless you have wonder 3 and nidhogg. A big seige rally or even a big siege solo with high seige buff will pick out enough of your seige to win PE before dying out, plus you'll have a terrible SvS score as T11s have the worst point to power ratio . Your T1 horses help against strong ground and block more archers from doing massive damage. • 6 min. How to Reduce Deaths to Zero. Wall Genny is Tran, well developed (skills:siege range, siege attck, ground HP) , but kings gear. I then will ghost my top tier calves and just watch what people are attacking me with. Then they are useless. Everyone has different ideas and strategies I reckon. , +400) refines. This game is based on the classic video game, Evony, therefore, you will experience So currently I have 1250% siege attack defending buff, and all high flat refines for ground. for the most part I would suggest: siege attack, siege range and siege defense or siege HP also march size generally a good choice, if he’s being used to attack. Is the HP buff and defense buff in Siege significant? This is a community/forum for players of the mobile game Evony The King's Return. It’s standard to have range attack debuff above 110 on your wall (that’s not including sub city debuffed). Elektra + Tomyris. The raise of Siege solos is here. To answer your question yes. Joseph E Johnston in defense. Best Combo - Ranged. "All Troops Defense" does not. Except during SvS, we all fight against other servers. You can go upto the t13 siege defence line but I'd bade it off which refines you get. It's always been my belief that the best way to defend against siege is fast units but with the new level of buffs available for an attacker that may not always be the case. If the primary attacking march for most people The key to winning the point battle is to have some, but minimal upper tier troops (ghost excess if necessary) say 10-20k as these get attacked, will attack back & die before your defense layer of t1 ever gets involved. I think just depends on the incoming attack troops buffs gens. NOT counting your t1s and t2s, 60% of your troops should be t11s and t12s. This might be useful to you. Alt keep would refill tile with increased siege and only 1 cav to see how many siege it would take to kill archer before archer killed mount. Flat go t11 % go t13 siege attack. Siege range, attack, and march size on Matthias. From what I know so far, siege machines are essential for defense. Boudica or Bruce are good assistant or trap keep general but not really great as main general for big keeps . Of course with the t1 trap type defense, flat gear refines are vital. Is t4 siege able to defend against k401 and up The 100m t1 siege will take out up to 10% of incoming marches depending on what's sent, and I've only made refined two attack flats for siege- got 506 and 512 on an ach piece so I just said fuck it, that'll work lol. Crazylady224. SqueezyBerry. Enemy Debuffs: 3%. The blazons are similar to equipments as they have additional buffs when the set increases. Previous Version. in short: troops up to t11 benefit more from flats, troops from t12 onwards benefit more from percentages. Siege have a long range and large load, but are weak in defense and HP. One thing I noticed is that it does not help to add the "All Troops Defense" buff against monsters. Add a layer of t13 ground in mil+ amount and it definitely has potential to reduce damage on your meat wall. 2M is the size of a senior buffed k35 march, or an unbuffed k39 march. This tactic allows smaller players to play again. Overall nothing hurts me besides a BIG siege solo. Either of them work good. Think of them like the defense buff. Some day my siege hit will be so strong that I will 1 tap T1 traps. With a successful siege bomb you can take out all of opponent siege. Anything else is mostly useless. Let me explain, (you can calculate the cost of building a troop, 2 troops or 1 troop + healing them and if its more than building 1 seige then bobs your uncle) Then you send in your normal attack. Boudica is absolutely amazing for free to play players due to being readily available in tavern. T12 around 250k, t14 250k and the rest of your I'm a k37 too running a t1 build as well. Ground are tough but have weak attack, so I buff all 3 stats with refines. It’s not the best attacking unit. The archers get stuck trying to kill their way through the horde of t1 horses while the rest of your troops can return fire or get in range to attack. Because then you can put your fafnir on your siege general. As per the stat and buffs - Marshal , Leo III are what you need for range, seige and some mount based defense. The other day I hit a T1 trap with siege and killed all the troops except a part of the T1. Flat refines only get you so far and most damage with traps is being done by higher tier archers (lvl12) normally. 2. The short answer is you need X amount more siege with a greater range than the undead and you will lose nothing as long as you kill the troops in 1 round. Better to invest on Joseph for future and stay Finally, Siege HP/Defense also has no Ach gear debuffs, and only generals with the basic "all troop" type debuffs for HP/Defense from Harald (HP), Suleiman (D), Barbarian King (D), Cixi (D) and Nero (HP) will fit there. Than, if you will pick siege as primary damage dealer you need to do a lot of related stuff If you are getting wounded send all of your siege out of the keep. Your assumption is correct. For siege, 60% of those should be t11s. Nero or any other general with all troop HP debuffs as sub mayor. But your half march of siege is just going to get The end of the T1 traps is coming soon. 6. In fact, I tested “Mounted only”, “Ranged only”, “Ranged + Siege”, and “Siege only”, and of these, only “Siege only Your monarch gear should also be according to your troop type. But to increase that would have to cost me infantry attack %. Research is maxed for all troop types as well for corresponding defense- for my current Academy level ofcourse. FrostyTheClown1. 5B power, defending only with big troops so far. My t1 cav are at 80m right now, will be at 100m or more on Friday. Won both power exchanges in total by about 300m. Koryo is the best gear hands down BUT as with all dynasty gear it was available for a limited time only and as cake/garden rewards (ie coining heavily). How much of siege defense do I need (what levels and how much) to sustain siege attacks? Mar 29, 2023 · Siege Score Weightings. This is true both when attacking and reinforcing. His specialities are ground attack and hp and mounted attack and hp so with the 2 range skills you can chose whichever skill books for your third slot. If your in-city siege buffs are not high enough (1000+% HP and defense, 1300%+ attack) you might as well don’t have any siege above 100k. I do also run Dewey who has siege / range attack % as well as calv / ground hp/def %. Your 2nd, 3rd and 4th line will hardly be affected till the cavs die. I’d say it’s more of a defensive unit generally, and a good idea to keep a healthy amount. To debuff it well you need those Arabic debuff generals I believe Amr. 0. Change my mind. T11 siege rallys are to kill the enemy's range troops and lower tier seige. Cavs are strong attack, but weak defence and hp, so in theory cavs are better as you only need to buff hp and defense. How defense Siege. Useful against bigger keeps with lots of siege. Jan 3, 2021 · Against siege, the mounted will be attacked many times before they get close to the siege, but the siege’s attack is low, so thanks to their high speed, they can get there before the mounted die. I could get my siege attack to potentially 400-450% attack, because my defense siege machine attack is 486%. T12s are not hugely more powerful, but are noticeably more expensive to build and repair. Eventually thicken all your layers to 2. Battles go from top tier troops down. This works pretty well and is supported by all alliances. I usually do well in svs, im just trying to decide how best to layer my waves for pvp. Actually, siege is main siege secondary ground and archer, typically weaker against mount. (Equip 2/4/6 of the same set for additional buffs) When equipping the blazons, you can make up to 3 presets such as Attack, defense, monster hunt, reinforce or joining rallies. He is better than Leonidas (by a large amount, like 300% more total buffs) who was the best ground wall general but anyone who has a serious defense is prioritizing buffing cav and siege, ground and archer are not as important. Well, depends on the skills you can add to the general. They are great to add to monster rallies, they are great for defense. Another wall General Question. 5m soldiers for other t13s. So flats can sometimes shine on higher tier troops >t11 as well. T11 siege about 100k or 200k depending on if your March size is around 2. . You ghost the troop type you are being hit. With specialty maxed out Uly siege stats are higher than Napoleon. It's definitely worth it especially if you defend trap keep or small monster keep with top layer of archers and ground. Gold sub. "All Troops Defense" can reduce wounded in PvP, Undead, and King Arthur's Knights in I'm doing a T1 defense strategy with Boudicca as my main, and Dewey as my assistant defense general. The trick is getting the right troops in and out of the battle. It will get its rotation - in the auction house first and then in Tyche's wheel of sadness. Siege presets work differently than the above. Defensive Blazons and Achaemenidae armor for your sub gens will help a lot, too. Members Online t11 Siege bombs wipe out a lot of the target's defenses at a (relatively) low cost. Since this is a battle of the same type, HP and defense are also important in this case. Using Ground skills, you could get Ground attack (25% Reins vs siege attack So me and a friend started discussing something about reinforcement vs siege attacks/rallies. The best defending Siege generals in Evony TKR are Leo Ⅲ, Septimius Severus, Surena, Trần Hưng Đạo, and Emperor Qin Shihuang . Ground is also great PvP troop but many wait till get to high lvl keep before making ground. But they only work up to a point, the point where the enemy gets close enough to hurt them. You chose your march typically based off what you are wanting to counter. Sometimes they'll win ratio, sometimes it will be close, and sometimes it will fail, but the purpose is to "open the door" for the follow up hits, which can be devastating. I was reading a post about siege tiers/ranges, it basically proposed that the lowest of the range tier is always most efficient (so if t5-8 have the same range, train mass t5 for example) a t11 siege bomb will hit defending t13’s and is obviously a lot less points lost when your taking out t13’s vs losing t11’s. For small siege t11, you have all t11 with 1k layers of every other troop. Mounted is the ideal t1 right now because most people attack with archers first, and archers love to prioritize mounted. I'm currently setting up an extra general for t11 siege. Like range, they also take longer to get off an attack, so they’re slow. Without the t1 I would have been zeroed. 5 each. Remember, after the "I can't ghost my troops" threshold, the best defense is the wise defense. Most new players won't be hit by siege. Matthias for a ranged/siege hybrid march. T1 defense is not easy. The skills will still work if they're assistant. That can be true but, my alliance usually hits with big seige first and then follows it with a couple T11. This explains why. For big siege you have 20% of t14, 70% of t13, 5% of t12 and remaining 5% allocated to layers of 1k each. evonygenerals. . I am k39, 4. So far I have 10k each, plus 100k t10, and building up t11. • 2 yr. Secondary general I usually run cav HP, siege attack and your choice of (ranged attack, cav attack, siege hp) depending on how youre set up defensively. My alliance mate has them they were the difference between him tanking solos to tanking rallies. Aim to give them a red star when I get round to it. 1-10000 of all other troops. Approximate Score Weightings for Siege PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology v3 were: Attacking Siege PvP v3: Siege Offense (March Size & Attack Increase): 60%. Hello everyone, does anyone know how we can defend against attacks from Siege machines currently my buff is 1400% but when they attack my city with a buff of 2000% my Siege all die. My T1 and T2 engage most of the time always different results though. 3. The attacker starts at the highest tier and works it's way down. Think he’s underrated. If you wanted a ground assistant on your wall he is awesome with covenant. Players are invited to take on the role of either a lord or a lady in this tactical mobile game, Evony: The King’s Return. Your defense will fail 100%. Currently I've been using the same cookie cutter skill books that I was taught over a year ago since I started playing: Range Attack, Range Bonus, Range HP, Range Defense, Siege Range, and Siege Attack. How to Reduce Deaths to Zero Attacking NPC subordinate cities will result in deaths rather than wounds, but the best way to reduce the death toll to zero is to attack with siege machines only. my higher tier marches (range, ground, cav All of my other debuffs are relatively high for my level except siege HP. Siege Machines = Honesty (attack) and Humility (defense). Please don't mix troop types and levels for bosses it just increases your wounded. at low level/mid level keep you can use her. Nov 8, 2023 · more siege than the attacker. Only exception is siege. Generally, this will work against Archer but will fail against siege. But for some siege hits, ghost sieges, for Cavs hits ghost your ground, and for Ground hits ghost your ground. I would like to work on a t1 defense. 5-20% of your third tier ground. Defence against siege bombs . Siege. I run JoIo + Leo 3rd with range att / range range + / cav hp > siege att / siege range + / cav att. Yeah next step is Russian subs with debuff gear and siege t11. Once they reach the siege, the siege’s defense and HP are quite low, so they can be defeated in a small number of turns. Dragon refines 2 mounted hp flats 2 mounted attack flats. ago. •. Everyone does it different and it is for PvP. Is it better to run Tran Hung Dao or Trajan on the wall? Tran Hung Dao increases ground troop HP by 20% and siege attack by 30% when the general is the main city's defense general. Normally you will want to ghost your Cavs. Main gen should always have siege range, arch range ground speed. This is how battle works. The power exchanges during defense will be a lot more favorable. That's because when bigs see an enemy K34-35 with low power and without bubble they will strike immediately because they know that the target will disappear any second. I have 1m of each troop tier t12-t14, then 1m of the each siege tier t1-t14, and every other layer at 100kish. Big sieges is used to take out enemy t13/14 sieges and with that a bunch of archers may die too Same for t11 sieges, the sieges rally must be done when the enemy has sieges attack on defense. Once you get k33, gear all your subs in archamenda gear. If someone hits you with siege, it will be a siege vs siege. You first want to work on being a k33 before worrying about defense. For defensive siege generals, siege attack attributes is also the most important, but it really helps to have other type buffs in addition to siege. Main Keep hit tile with one T1 archer. For ranged, 60% should be t12s. If you aren't able to get the Koryo gear then an achae/ares mix dependent on how you plan to defend Sep 23, 2023 · Evony Best Siege General Combinations: Unleash Ultimate Devastation. The question might seem wierd at first but I was think about it from a battle mechanics perspective. Sep 30, 2020 · Toward the end of the game (around K38), when siege machines’ rally and reinforcements become commonplace, siege machine HP and defense debuffs also become important. Princess Kaguya if you can get her in the event. If you plan on going ground t1 shield, you want your flat refines to be on ground hp and defense with attack being range or siege (preferred) you also want a decent layer set of troops besides the 100m t1s. I do it this way, and get 0 wounded up to wave 19, and 43 injured ground troops at wave 20. After this I will bring all archer layers to 1m as well, though just more siege may turn out to be more effective. However, this is a special case. Siege Toughness (March Size, HP & Defense Increase): 34%. Depends what youre going for. The formula for ground layers is a little different from ranged troop layers. But it is almost impossible at mid level you can defend yourself anyway from strong opponent. But I've been doing flat refines for Advanced: Defense with your entire city, including siege (especially siege) and make sure your wall Defense general has the Achaemenidae ring for extra 10% range of attack for siege, and the skill book at level 4 for Siege machines range of attack. Siege attack or siege bomb are used by experienced players. Range are good against all types if they are strong enough since most people don't have their ground buffed enough on defense to make a difference. So, in short, there's several generals to get from the tavern, as well as the coiners to choose from. Napoleon can use a spirit beast. You need to have % buffs no matter what, and they better be high across the board. They are expensive to repair if some big comes and destroys you. Attack, defense and HP all 3. Bosses you use your strongest mounted troops. Joseph E Johnston is the best wall general in the game? How should I strengthen him? Should I make him archer main or siege main? As many players focus on debuffing archers, should I strengthen him with sige? By adding skill books: siege attack, siege range bonus, archer range bonus? What gears he should Robert Bruce should be made the same way Trajan is used as wall general. It’s really that simple. However, there are 2 rogue players, both K27. Also Nordic Barbarian King’s second red star, but that’s very hard to get. Your best assistant is one that is focused on the type of troops you are attacked by. id rr hb dh ll cd ol aq bi pm