Ef core executesqlrawasync stored procedure

Ef core executesqlrawasync stored procedure. May 12, 2017 · Here's the stored proc: CREATE PROCEDURE ExampleStoredProc @firstId int = 0, @outputBit BIT OUTPUT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SET @outputBit = 1; SELECT @firstId AS [ID], 'first' AS [NAME] UNION ALL SELECT @firstId + 1 AS [ID], 'second' AS [NAME] END GO. Thanks in advance. For the async execution of SQL queries using interpolated string syntax to create parameters, use ExecuteSqlInterpolatedAsync instead. INSERT INTO Departments (DepartmentName, DepartmentLocation) VALUES (Dname, DLoc); Jun 17, 2022 · I'm rewriting the app which uses MS SQL database. DatabaseFacade * string * obj[] -> System. Sep 27, 2022 · The Entity Framework Core ExecuteSqlRawAsync () method is used to execute Stored Procedures and Raw SQL in asynchronous manner. (T-sql to test included in program. My operations are like following: Check if recırd exist with integration_id. net, . ExecuteSqlRawAsync(sql); Nov 11, 2020 · Have gone through some links where in the EF6 there is a way to push the stored procedure, although its an workaround it seems. I have 2 records in that table, so basically it should return a table of customer type and output parameter should return 27. Mar 30, 2022 · Thankyou for posting this. I Jul 26, 2021 · I try to Execute a stored procedure from , if I execute it directly from SSMS, it works as expected, but if I use it from ExecuteSqlRaw or ExecuteSqlRawAsync, it fails as soon as it hits the first SELECT COUNT(), no error, but the second UPDATE never run. [Customer] SELECT @SomeOutput = @@rowcount + 25 --This number 25 is a variable from a complex query but always an integer. i use EF core as async. I have an MVC application using Entity Framework. This procedure returns all the courses assigned to a particular student. Format function. Database context object returns only table type. And thirdly, all of the examples that return a recordset model with data seem tied to a table, such as: "var students = context. 2. ToList ();" And, as stored Sep 1, 2022 · new SqlParameter("FirstParameter", "ParameterValue"), new SqlParameter("SecondParameter", "SecondParameterValue")); To pass an array of elements, you can create an UserDataTable and follow this guide to give a list to your stored procedure. User model. ToList(); Note. The former are used for querying. FromMinutes(5). This method allow using string interpolation syntax in a way that protects against SQL injection attacks. Delete record if exit. NET to get the data model rather than using Entity Framework because most probably Sep 8, 2016 · Using FromSql, we can execute stored procedure via following way. ExecuteSqlCommand() Using FromSql. Jun 28, 2021 · When I call a stored procedure in MSQL Server using Entity Framework Core, I get a return value of -1. Table-valued parameters. So there exists a stored procedure with parameters like, 1. EF do not do any implicit movements when you call ExecuteSqlRawAsync. When I try to execute this procedure from ADO. Net Framework. How to execute a stored procedure in Entity Framework Core 5? Let’s have a look. SqlQuery<YourEntityType>("storedProcedureName",params); But if your stored procedure returns multiple result sets as your sample code, then you can see this helpful article on MSDN. 0 and trying to get an output parameter back from my stored procedure. The ExecuteSql method in Entity Framework Core (EF Core) allows you to execute raw SQL statements directly against the database. I saw that it's a known issue and the option to call stored procedures is to use ExecuteSqlCommand. Database. Before that the service was able to run this proc. That's a good bare-bones pattern for those of us who have given up hope that EF Core will give Stored Procedures first-class-citizen support to Entity Framework, and who don't want to have to trawl through countless wrappers and libraries just to get execute a simple procedure. Dapper in C# and squirrel + gorm in go-lang has much better support for raw SQL. Here's my C# code for the method to call the stored procedure with all the attempts at making May 2, 2021 · EFCore supports a structured parameter which can be used to serialize a DataTable as a User Defined Table Value. var entityConnection = (EntityConnection) db. Students. Tip. SetCommandTimeout(0); Entity Framework 6: context. 18. Note that this method does not start a transaction. I have a function in the API that needs to call a stored procedure with several input parameters and an output parameter. Which should have properties with all the columns in your SP. Here is a simple stored procedure, it will return all the records from Authors table when executed. EF7 introduces the table-per-concrete-type (TPC) strategy. I have written stored procedure to get claims list via Context Query-Type which take three parameters where two of them are nullable Guid. 0 of EF Core, your options were limited to changing the command timeout for the DbContext, running the migration and then resetting the timeout value (or not): Database. I get a timeout (30 seconds). Here’s the example of running stored procedure to update balance for all customers. spDoMyVeryTailoredProcedure"); None of them arrive in the execution strategy Execute or ExecuteAsync methods. 1 with optional parameters. Rain January 12, 2022, 2:52pm 1. First two select statements put data into temp tables and the third returns actual result (results is multicolumn data). Current support for raw SQL is not enough in convenient and safety. The application will be triggering several stored procedures per minute and I need output parameters. Oct 8, 2013 · I'd like to just punt a call over to the SQL Server and not wait for a return. So in your DbContext you'll have this: public DbQuery<SomeModel> SomeModels { get; set; } Secondly use FromSql method like you do with DbSet<T>: Apr 26, 2017 · BEGIN. If your just trying to get a list from a stored procedure you don't need to map anything special. ELSE SET @ServiceResult = 0. Oct 28, 2013 · Entity Framework buggy when invoking stored procedure via Database. May 18, 2021 · ExecuteSqlRaw returns the number of rows affected by the SQL command, and not its result - see the API doc page. Mar 9, 2022 · Breaking changes included in EF Core 3. Just Call it Like this: var results = dbContext. For example that parameter name is TransactionPassCorrectly (it is a return parameter for some calculation in database and its type is int) return await context. FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM dbo. Oracle stored procedure code : Mar 26, 2018 · Prior to version 2. Oct 23, 2019 · In EF Core 3. 1; Visual Studio 2019; SQL Server 2017. There are few stored procedures which are being called. Let’s start by adding a migration with EF Core global tool command: 1. FirstOrDefault(); return retVal; Edit: It's better to use classical ADO. Blogs. [SP_GET_TOP_IDS] ( @Top int, @OverallCount INT OUTPUT Jul 22, 2017 · I'm trying to use stored procedures with new Entity Framework Core. Of course, you still need to handle exceptions and do whatever your exception handling design dictates (log, etc). Let's say: InsertFile @fileId, @fileName; DeleteFile @fileId; There is the case when you have to call these procedures. Here is my suggestion 1: using var trans = await db. i don't know how to call that SP with a null value on the parameter. uow. You know that a JSON format output is in a string format. ToList(); this should return a list of ints. Only the last one works in the console app. In my database there is a stored procedure in which I am inserting some data and then returning this whole table. It work fine as far no null parameter pass over but with passing null parameters, it throw error Aug 22, 2020 · EF Core 3. May 30, 2020 · I have a stored procedure that returns a dataset without any primary key. First of all, this is wrong as my stored procedure deletes multiple entries from a table. dotnet ef migrations add Feb 26, 2023 · It can also specify that EF should use your stored procedures for inserting, updating, or deleting entities. Stored procedure: Jul 24, 2019 · EF Core provides the following methods to execute a stored procedure: DbSet. ExecuteSqlCommandAsync () and retrieving the OUTPUT param value. Net 5, but not sure if Entity Framework will fit for the job. Although I followed the above link, it means for EF6, where the migration files were inherited from DbMigration, in EF Core it's a Migration base class. Use AsEnumerable or AsAsyncEnumerable method right after FromSqlRaw or FromSqlInterpolated methods to make sure that EF Core doesn't try to compose over a stored procedure. I'm using . ExecuteSqlRawAsync(lockSql, cancellationToken); I am May 10, 2022 · The second thing is that, everywhere examples of "before and after" are given, the example without parameters are skipped (as in all of the MS docs). Jul 5, 2023 · Transactions allow several database operations to be processed in an atomic manner. FromSql can only be used directly on a DbSet. I need to start new project soon which will be ASP. var isExist = await IsExist(id); Mar 5, 2022 · Jonathan Wood. Blogs . Mar 25, 2022 · Parameter Ordering Entity Framework Core passes parameters based on the order of the SqlParameter[] array. Tasks. List<Category> lst = dataContext. Changes that we expect to only impact database providers are documented under provider changes. Mad. When passing multiple SqlParameters, the ordering in the SQL string must match the order of the parameters in the stored procedure's definition. 0-preview-final) as the platform for managing schema through code-first modelling, I wanted to add other database objects such as SPs. NET type to a different database table. Jun 27, 2020 · SQL Server doesn't allow composing over stored procedure calls, so any attempt to apply additional query operators to such a call will result in invalid SQL. 1 web application, I am mostly using stored procedures. I've read dozens of articles from SO to blogs, but nothing works. FromSql("usp_GetAllCategories"). I'm not sure how exactly to do this all I know is I need to call InsertAttendeeAsync method. 6. NET 6 that calls a stored procedure through Entity Framework Core using the dbContext: public async Task<IEnumerable<Portfolio>>; GetPortfolioAsync( Dat Remarks. e. Is this possible? What's the syntax? Entity Function: RecalculateBudgetNumbers(int id) Aug 21, 2019 · When I tried to execute an Oracle stored procedure with Entity Framework Core, I get this exception : No mapping to a relational type can be found for the CLR type 'OracleParameter[] I tried ExecuteSqlCommand and FromSQL methods, both cause the same exception. It is useful when you want to: Execute a DELETE statement and return the number of rows deleted. TotalSeconds); Sep 29, 2021 · DatabaseFacade Database { get; } Add a method to your interface that lets the DbContext deal with it. [Key] public int PkId { get; set; } public string UserId { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } Dec 17, 2019 · Use AsEnumerable or AsAsyncEnumerable method right after FromSqlRaw or FromSqlInterpolated methods to make sure that EF Core doesn't try to compose over a stored procedure. First create a stored procedure with OUTPUT parameters similar to the following (or use an existing one!): CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo]. var blogs = context. I started by retrieving the ObjectContext and looking at the Execute* functions, but the documentation is pretty bad and lacking examples involving stored procedures. The best way to do so is to add a database migration with an appropriate SQL. Execute a stored procedure and return the row affected. ToList(); However I do not have a DB set. Using two different ORM in one application is uncomfortable. Create Procedure InsertDepartments(DName longtext,DLoc longtext) BEGIN. daily_actions_full() that not receive or return something, it just inserts data from a view to a table. Aug 4, 2023 · var count = await _context. 0 introduced the table-per-type (TPT) strategy, which supports mapping each . EndDate}"); But it was always returning -1 so I had a look around and it would seem I should convert the stored procedure to Linq (see one of the comments on this question) I was Sep 3, 2020 · SET @ServiceResult = 1. 1, using EF Core to access a SQL Server database. Jul 16, 2023 · They all look something like this: await Database. Complete(); On error, the transaction scope will automatically be rolled back. Dec 3, 2019 · I came across this question and I have the same problem about how to execute your stored procedure from ef core the solutions I tried are as below. Apr 20, 2012 · I want to make it generic so it can return multiple resultsets from the database. . You need to enlist your operations in a transaction scope, as follows: InsertA(); InsertB(); tranScope. OBJECT_ID(N '[dbo]. Repository<Organization>(). Currently, I'm using the approach found here using the designer (in this approach, I import a stored procedure, create a function import and use a I'm using Entity Framework 5 with the Code First approach. The query execution timeout should be set as high as the successful execution of most For the async execution of SQL queries using plain strings, use ExecuteSqlRawAsync instead. [uspLogin] ( @pUserName VARCHAR(150), @pPassword VARCHAR(150), @responseMessage NVARCHAR(250)='' OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. I tried to get the return value from a SQL Server stored procedure. Adding a stored procedure. 0 Breaking Changes - FromSql, ExecuteSql, and ExecuteSqlAsync have been renamed. times out abruptly. So I tried this: db. But unlike FromSqlRaw () method, it returns the number of affected rows. ExecuteSqlRawAsync(s); Share Improve this answer Jan 22, 2021 · I am using entity framework but doing my operations with raw queries. 1 within . You can view this article's sample on GitHub. Mar 13, 2018 · Using EF Core 2 (2. Below given is my generalized method to execute stored procedures. Categories. public async Task UpdateBalanceForCustomers () {. Yes it's possible, but it should be used for just dynamic result-set or raw SQL. 1. That was a journey itself, however the challenge under topic here is executing an SP using context. What is even more strange to me is that the value is negative. 2. Microsoft doesn't have any current documentation on output parameters, just normal ones. I want to pass MerchantID as null in some cases. EntityFrameworkCore namespace. First of all we need to add a stored procedure. 0 with EF Core 3. sp_executesql @statement = N'. edited Dec 22, 2017 at 16:11. Nov 30, 2021 · I am creating an ASP. It depends. 1; I have not been able to find a solution that works to call a stored procedure from . I'm investigating different ways of calling stored procedures (stored procedures that are NOT tied to entities) using EF. This method executes the stored procedure which returns entity data Jan 12, 2022 · Radzen Studio Blazor Server. Oct 13, 2018 · Not possible in EF Core 2. this. For example, in your interface add this: Task<int> ExecuteSqlRawAsync(string sql); And in your context, implement it: public async Task<int> ExecuteSqlRawAsync(string sql) {. Infrastructure. var cx = this. Feedback. To get around that limit, at times, I transport a data table as a User Defined TVP. If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment". public async Task<int> ExecuteSqlNonQuery(string StoredProcName, params object[] parameters) int iTotalRecordsAffected = 0 The ExecuteSQLRaw() method allows you to execute a raw SQL and return the number of rows affected. May 29, 2017 · Step 1. Threading. Append(procedureName); Let's use stored procedure to fetch the data from the database. ToList(); All good. The following example demonstrates executing a raw SQL query to MS SQL Server database. ExecuteSqlRawAsync($"exec LeadScoring_CountClosedActions @UserId={userId}, @StartDate={request. UPDATE: This problem occured around 2 month ago. 66. EX: _context. Task<int> <Extension()> Public Function ExecuteSqlRawAsync (databaseFacade As DatabaseFacade, sql As String, ParamArray parameters As Object()) As Task(Of Integer) Parameters Jan 9, 2020 · You can read more about the reasoning in EF Core 3. I have an imported Entity Function from a Stored Procedure that I'd like to call asynchronously this way in Entity Framework 6. In fact EF Core implementation uses string. EF doesn't currently have a direct way of executing a raw SQL query and retrieving a result which isn't an entity in the model (for that, see raw SQL queries ). Jan 9, 2021 · 11. Aug 2, 2021 · var s = @"USE `my_schema`; DROP procedure IF EXISTS `new_procedure`; CREATE PROCEDURE `new_procedure` () BEGIN select 1; END; "; await dbContext. {. public. The SP: Execute Raw SQL Queries in Entity Framework Core. Nov 2, 2020 · SQL Server stored procedures can return data in three different ways: Via result sets, OUTPUT parameters and RETURN values - see the docs here. . tableA. StoreConnection; var initialState = conn. Hello, I have a stored procedure with default value parameters like: @Mitglied_ID INT = NULL, @Name VARCHAR (255) = NULL, @Vorname VARCHAR (255) = NULL, the problem is that the ExecuteSqlRaw of creates a sql statement which set such parameters if there is a value of null to Dec 27, 2021 · I have a stored procedure with a JSON format output. I have covered creating Relationship between Entities using Fluent APIs, check these tutorials: Feb 24, 2021 · I have stored procedure that has 3 select statements. END. State; Jul 12, 2022 · I used EF Core power tools to generate the code below and am trying to create a controller that can call the InsertAttendee stored procedure. This is the number of affected rows. DataTable retVal = new DataTable(); retVal = context. Query<Question>("COMMAND"); But it says that DatabaseFacade does not contain the Query<T>() method. 1, but a bit more complicated than needed, because SQL queries returning primitive types are still not supported. is not an option. Nov 2, 2012 · In my sql stored procedure, i do some insertion and updating which in some scenarios throws Primary Key or unique key violation. Blogs") . public partial class Users. Jan 3, 2014 · 281. May 10, 2022 · I have managed to resolve this issue myself by bringing together a few different strands to provide a complete solution. EntityFrameworkCore. Jan 7, 2020 · Executing raw SQL commands. This method returns an entity object. FROM [dbo]. ExecuteSqlCommand() There are some limitations on the execution of database stored procedures using FromSql or ExecuteSqlCommand methods in EF Core2: Result must be an entity type. FromSql($"EXECUTE dbo. This method can be useful when you need to perform database operations that are not supported by the LINQ to Entities API, or when you want to perform database-specific operations. But the above stored procedure doesn’t take any parameters. 7 contributors. Context; var parameters = new List<SqlParameter>(); Feb 14, 2023 · Database. I want to pass a parameter having a null value to a stored procedure. When using ExecuteSqlRawAsync in Entity Framework Core it always returns -1. StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(); command. Here is a simple working demo on getting the user data from the database by stored procedures . All stored procedures will work in SQL server management studio. Reference Link--> EF 6 code-first with custom stored procedure. If the transaction is rolled back, none of the operations are applied to the database. First thing I found is: Execute RAW SQL on DbContext in EF Core 2. SetCommandTimeout((int)TimeSpan. TPC also maps . 0 , you need to use the FromSqlRaw extension method to execute a stored procedure. There is a limit to how many values are supported by the IN () statement. NET Core application. answered Mar 12, 2015 at 15:05. execption : ef core timeout. Mar 31, 2015 · i've a stored procedure on sqlserver 2008 and one of the parameters accept null values. Apr 1, 2020 · I'm writing an API in ASP. Jan 21, 2020 · In my ASP. ExecuteStoreQuery<DataTable>(commandText, parameters). Entity Framework Core has ExecuteSqlCommand () and ExecuteSqlCommandAsync () methods to run custom SQL queries and commands. net core MVC web application: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. All I get back is a -1 which I know is for rows affected. I am using the Northwind database for the sample code. Aug 21, 2017 · Ef core when executing stored procedure, that takes more than few millions of records. SqlQuery<int>("SP_YourSP"). public int Id {get; set;} public string Name {get; set;} Step 2. Will EF be good for this or should I use ADO. GetMostPopularBlogs") . My stored procedure code is something like: DELIMITER $$. 1. As you can see, the stored procedure takes in an EntityId for the entity, performs my delete logic, and returns a bit - Which in this case is my ServiceResult. If ExecuteSqlRawAsync is based on data which is recorder only in ChangeTracker - yes execute SaveChanges first. Jul 30, 2021 · I'm using EF Core 5 and am having trouble getting back the userId of a record that I inserted into the table. First, create the following stored procedures GetCoursesByStudentId in your SQL Server database. FromSqlRaw() But my scenario doesn't have any type except string. They return IQueryable<T>, allow query composition and as any LINQ query are not executed until the result is enumerated. [up_GetJobSt Jun 25, 2023 · I have the following code in . To use this method with a transaction, first call BeginTransaction(DatabaseFacade, IsolationLevel) or UseTransaction. A simplified version of this function is below. How can I call this stored procedure with a string output and render the result to the client? Feb 5, 2020 · I've got a strange behaviour. My function is: public async Task<IList<string>> GetTree(GetPayload payload) {. NET Core 3. NET types to different tables, but in a way that addresses some common performance issues with the TPT strategy. I can't seem to retrieve the UserID which is declared as an OUTPUT parameter for the stored procedure. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. await Database. using (var transaction = await _context. Net Core 3. var myDataTable = FillDataTableWithData(); var paramTable= new SqlParameter. 03/09/2022. If the transaction is committed, all of the operations are successfully applied to the database. for a little more context i'm using EntityFramework 6xx Mar 12, 2015 · 25. SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT *. 4 UI type: Angular DB provider: EF Core Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no / yes Exception message and stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue: I a Oct 29, 2023 · I do not know how to upgrade this code to retrieve output parameter from a stored procedure. Where I use EF Core Power Tools to generate stored procedure, I get following message: Unable to get result set shape for Jun 7, 2022 · So, raw SQL is necessary and important. I cannot discover why this behavior occurs, maybe you can based on this example. So I am using transaction. The documentation states that you should call a stored procedure on the DbSet like: var blogs = context. Possible in EF Core 2. net application also throws that exception and let me know that something wrong had happen. Jul 1, 2022 · 8. FromSql ("GetStudents 'Bill'"). ExecuteSql. Here the ServiceResult is "True"/1 if no errors occur while executing the query, and "False"/0 if errors occur. Include your code. Execute an UPDATE statement and return the number of rows updated. EF Core provides the following methods to execute a stored procedure: DbSet<TEntity>. – Svyatoslav Danyliv. [GetAllAuthors]') AND type in (N 'P', N 'PC' )) EXEC dbo. Note that there is also another variant called ExecuteSqlRaw () which is of synchronous type. This is my code: public async Task&lt;bool&gt; Login(EmployeeDO _loginDO) { var para Using EF, I'm trying to execute a stored procedure that returns a single string value, i. Nov 17, 2011 · I have a generic entity framework repository where I have the following ExecuteStoredProcedure method: public IEnumerable<T> ExecuteStoredProcedure<T>(string procedureName, params object[] parameters) {. Jun 9, 2022 · I've created five stored procs, all just a bit different. When I trying to execute SQL store procedure by EF Core 2. I wrote a function years ago, and works perfectly until migrate to . Entity Framework Core provides the DbSet. Now parameters has not pass to SQL Server. BeginTransactionAsync()) {. Article. The problem is caused by the '{' and '}' symbols inside SQL string, because in ExecuteSqlRaw{Async} they are used to specify parameter placeholders, so the string should be a valid input for string. May 3, 2021 · I created a stored procedure stocks. This prevents all errors produced in stored procedures from being handled by the execution strategy's resiliency logic and explicit logging instructions. 0: context. Remarks. cs as comment). So you need to utilize Query Type like this: First you need to create a "query type" class which will hold the result: Aug 26, 2020 · 1. StartDate}, @EndDate={request. For example if your SP is returning two columns called Id and Name then your new class should be something like. static member ExecuteSqlRawAsync : Microsoft. CommandTimeout = 0; Note The existing capability offered by EF to modify the query execution timeout, does not mean that it should be done in all cases. the function below tries get all persons in the person table based on the state as a given input to the stored procedure itself and did n't return the write answer as I want Mar 18, 2022 · We need to create a virtual entity model for our database, that will contain our needed query result, at the same time we need a pseudo DbSet<this virtual model> to use ef core FromSqlRaw method that returns data instead of ExecuteSqlRaw that just returns numbers of rows affected by query. Append("EXEC "); command. Connection; var conn = entityConnection. The FromSqlRaw () method resides in the Microsoft. return await this. x. FromSql() DbContext. I can do something like: Sep 27, 2022 · Entity Framework Core FromSqlRaw () method is used to Execute Raw SQL Queries including Parameterized Queries. Net? Jun 12, 2020 · I am creating unit test case using x-unit and in-memory database and i am trying to execute the below line of code await _dbContext. You can call a stored procedure in your DbContext class as follows. SqlQuery 1 SqlException cause all subsequent db call to fail with same exception Jan 27, 2020 · Entity Framework Core 1. You need to add a new class just like your entity class. the status of an SQL Agent Job. But when I execute the same procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it runs successfully - it runs it about 1 or 2 sec. For example, request comes and to process this request you have to insert few files and delete few files: Apr 21, 2020 · EF Core 3. the result might be from search of 3 record from a million to few 100. It cannot be composed over an arbitrary LINQ query. Is it possible? Here is the code that I use to call the stored procedure: The number of rows affected. Add("VALUE", typeof(int)); Just follow these steps: First you defined a new property of type DbQuery<T> where T is the type of the class that will carry the column values of your SQL query. The following API and behavior changes have the potential to break existing applications when upgrading them to 3. After using using dbcontext scaffold all the tables and views were added except the stored procedures. Dec 24, 2020 · ABP Framework version: v3. If you are seeing an exception, include the full exceptions details (message and stack trace). var context = new SchoolContext(); Aug 29, 2018 · I am working on Entity Framework Core 2. EF Core 5. – Dec 5, 2019 · Extra info courtesy of Lutti Coelho: To avoid SQL Injection on your query it's better to use ExecuteSqlInterpolated method. Firstly, the use of the EF Core database first scaffolding to create the DbContext file & associated entities will NOT create the stored procedure as would be the case when using the EF wizard in the . I need to execute SQL Command in MS SQL, which is already connected via EF Core 6. Ideally, I'd like to be able to do this: Jan 24, 2019 · I have the following stored procedure that I'm trying to call from my asp. Insert new record. Jun 25, 2012 · 15. The stored procedure is declared as CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]. But when I try to execute this procedure from EF, it just executes. Mar 5, 2022 at 23:10. 0-rc1. I need to read the return value from a stored procedure; I am already reading output parameters and sending input parameters, but I don't know how to read the return value. FromSql() method to execute raw SQL queries for the underlying database and get the results as entity objects. I don't think this works, it probably does for SQL Server. ExecuteSqlRawAsync("exec dbo. public static DataTable ExecuteStoredProcedure(ObjectContext db, string storedProcedureName, IEnumerable<SqlParameter> parameters) {. GetValues(int[] TicketID,int? MerchantID,bool IsOpen) DataTable tbldepartmentid = new DataTable("Departmentid"); tbldepartmentid. Additionally, since Include / ThenInclude require EF Core IQueryable<>, AsEnumerable / AsAsyncEnumerable etc. Columns. If possible, I'd like to avoid having to do my own connection state management and/or exposing EF-specific types. Stored Procedures with Multiple Result Sets. x+ provides two raw SQL sets of methods - FromSql and ExecuteSql, both with Raw / Interpolated and Async versions. NET Core 5 Web API. 1k 77 285 495. Aug 24, 2023 · SQL queries can be used to execute a stored procedure which returns entity data: C# Copy. [GetCoursesByStudentId] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here. I've tried different ways of doing this but I've had no luck. Aug 3, 2020 · In this post I will show how you can call stored procedures with OUTPUT parameters from EF Core. -1 is the expected value for queries, which don't affect any rows. ExecuteSqlRawAsync($"UpdateSuperHero {SuperHeroId},{Place}"); You need to specify Nov 20, 2014 · I currently use a database-first approach using Entity Framework (EF). The information about supported parameter placeholders,names and values can be found in Raw SQL queries - Passing parameters . 0. Format (even though you don't pass parameters) at some point, which in turn Jul 13, 2022 · How to call stored procedures with OUTPUT parameters with FromSqlRaw in EF Core If the answer is the right solution, please click " Accept Answer " and kindly upvote it. jg ru zk wb hc ig js qs kp mq